Natural Remedies For Angular Cheilitis

Natural Remedies For Angular Cheilitis
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Symptoms of angular cheilitis are similar to those of other conditions, such as herpes labialis and erosive lichen planus. If you suspect that you have angular cheilitis, you should have your mouth examined by a doctor. Treatment for this condition includes keeping the mouth dry and applying petroleum jelly to the affected area. Petroleum jelly helps to heal the sores.

Besides infection, angular cheilitis can also be caused by a zinc deficiency. If the patient is deficient in zinc, his symptoms may include diarrhea, dermatitis, oral ulcers, and alopecia. If you are genetically predisposed to the condition, you may be at risk for acrodermatitis enteropathica, a condition that inhibits zinc absorption. While it may appear and disappear intermittently, if it is not treated, the symptoms may return and require longer course of treatment.

If the cause of your angular cheilitis is bacterial, you may have to take antibiotics or antifungal creams. While over-the-counter antibiotics can be effective, a visit to the doctor may be necessary. Leaving an open wound may lead to a laceration, infection, or further damage. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies for angular cheilitis.

Honey is an excellent natural remedy for angular cheilitis. Honey fights infection-causing microorganisms and can be applied along with cucumber. Vitamin B1 and vitamin C may also help. Also, proper nutrition can prevent your lips from cracking, chapping, or dryness. Using unflavored or odorless lip balms regularly can help to heal angular cheilitis and keep them healthy.

Another natural remedy for angular cheilitis is tea tree oil. Mix one tbsp of tea tree oil with a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil. Dab the solution onto the affected area three times a day and repeat as necessary. Repeat this process daily until the condition is gone. A few drops of tea tree oil on a daily basis will help you to avoid the development of new sores and thereby minimize the chance of the infection coming back.

While AC isn’t a disease, it is an uncomfortable condition and can cause red and painful mouth corners. It can be caused by a variety of causes, including a yeast infection or certain strains of bacteria. A doctor should first determine the cause of the inflammation. In some cases, excessive saliva may cause the development of angular cheilitis. If you suspect AC, consult your doctor immediately. An accurate diagnosis is the first step to effective treatment.

One natural remedy for angular cheilitis is lemongrass oil. This antibacterial substance can kill the fungi and yeast that cause the condition. Another remedy for angular cheilitis is a solution of 1% hydrocortisone and cold-pressed castor oil. Apply the paste to the inflamed areas two or three times a day, and rinse with water. If you’re unable to apply the solution, you can also take a capsule of neem leaves.

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