Ultra Caring Body Balm

10% of the population and 50% of people with eczema prone skin have the dry skin gene which means their skin is deficient in filaggrin.

Filaggrin deficiency can result in a damaged, sensitive and ‘leaky’ skin barrier that allows higher than normal water loss (which can lead to dry, scaly skin), as well as allowing harmful substances to get through the epidermis, where they can trigger responses from itchiness to extra dry, sensitive skin and allergies.

If your skin has low levels of filaggrin, frequent applications of traditional moisturisers may not be effective in soothing your dry skin. Your skin will require a more tailored, intensive moisturiser with clinically proven actives to boost filaggrin levels and alleviate dry, cracked skin.

Ultra Caring Body Balm is an intensive filaggrin boosting moisturiser. Consultant dermatologist approved for dry, sensitive and eczema prone skin. With barrier restoring Mondo Grass, rejuvenating Niacinamide and calming Colloidal Oatmeal.


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