علاج الأمراض الجلدية بزيت الزيتون … علاج طبيعي وفوائد كثيرة
الطب البديل والعلاج بالأعشاب الطبية مع odai bader علاج الأمراض الجلدية بزيت الزيتون … علاج طبيعي وفوائد كثيرة زيت الزيتون فوائد زيت الزيتون الجلدية أمراض جلدية علاج جلدية علاج مرض…

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to liver health! In this enlightening video, we explore the vital functions of the liver, from detoxification to metabolism and immune support. Learn how to…

Can Skineal Treat All Skin Infections? #skincare #skineal #skinealreview #creamreview #productreview
Skineal cream claims it can cure all infections. Here I share my personal experience using it and also honest opinion on their claim. You will also find more details about…

Folliculitis – Dermatologist Explains Causes, Treatment for Bumps that are Not Pimples
Folliculitis refers to a pimple-like condition that isn’t acne. Itchy or painful bumps can result from bacterial or fungal infections. Those suffering from dry skin or eczema have a higher…

Tivang Bhasma, Mandur Bhasma, Lauh Bhasma in Unani #shorts
Tivang Bhasma, Mandur Bhasma, Lauh Bhasma in Unani मैं अधिकतर आयुर्वेदिक औषधियों की जानकारी आपको देता रहता हूँ और कभी-कभी यूनानी दवाओं की भी जानकारी देता हूँ. आयुर्वेद और यूनानी…

Top suggested dietary supplements for skin, what to eat and avoid for a healthy skin look
Thank you for watching. Please make sure to subscribe if are interested in similar health awareness contents, also don’t forget to press the bell icon for future videos. Many people…

How To Treat Itchy Skin with Henna Leaves Drink – DIY Recipe | Bowl of Herbs
Itchy skin is a common problem. Itching in one area or over your entire body creates irritation and uncontrollable sensation that makes you to scratch to relieve the feeling. Many…

Don't just blindly apply steroid-based topical creams on your fungal infections. #shorts
Tune in as Dr. Soma Sarkar talks about some common side effects of ’steroid’ based topical creams. #shorts Top dermatologists from all over the country come together to tell you…

Black Jamaican vs Golden Castor Oil, Which Is Best?
In this video, we delve into the ultimate comparison between Black Castor Oil and Golden Castor Oil to determine which one reigns supreme. We explore their unique properties, benefits, and…