My acne nightmare: The secret to finally clear skin #shorts

After struggling with acne for almost a decade, applying all the possible home remedies on my skin and using a dozen of skincare products to cure it I was shocked to know that “Water can treat acne”.

Yes! You read that right. Water! But how? You might wonder. Let me share the truth that no one tells.

Our skin has billions of good bacteria on our skin which helps to fight skin issues like acne, sensitivity, eczema etc. But it is damaged by using skincare products with harsh preservatives and foaming cleansers. These billions of bacteria are called our skin microbiome.

When I discovered that in order to get a clear, pimple free skin I just need to protect my good bacteria I was shocked! This is the easiest, safest and most trusted way to treat all skin problems but it is the lesser known truth because skincare industry doesn’t want people to know this.

To protect my skin microbiome I started cleaning my face with just water and gave up all skincare products with preservatives and harsh chemicals. I was able to see amazing results within weeks.

Subscribe to our youtube channel @honeststoryco for more such research based skincare videos.

P.S. don’t forget to share this secret with our family and friends 🙂

#getridofpimples #acnetreatment #noacne


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