Relieve Allergies with 7 Natural Antihistamines

Relieve Allergies with 7 Natural Antihistamines

1. Green tea
In addition to being one of the best weight loss supplements, green tea is considered to also be one of the best natural antihistamines.

This is thanks to its significant contribution of quercetin and catechin, two substances that act as antioxidants to decrease the release of histamine.

2. Nettle tea
Nettle tea is another natural remedy to help you quickly control your allergy symptoms.

Its properties decrease the presence of allergens in your airways and relieve congestion.

3. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory, antiviral substances and natural antihistamines that effectively combat discomfort related to allergies.

It’s recommended for seasonal allergies and respiratory problems related to colds.

1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (10 g)
1 cup of water (250 ml)
How do you make it?
Dilute the apple cider vinegar in water and drink immediately.
Consume this two to three times a day.
4. Rooibos tea
Rooibos tea, also known as African red tea, is a beverage with natural antihistamines that slows down congestion and alleviates a burning or itchy throat.

Because it’s 100% natural, it won’t cause drowsiness like many of the medications that are prescribed for the same purpose.

1 rooibos tea bag
1 cup of water (250 ml)
How do you make it?
Bring the water to a boil and add the tea bag. Let it steep for a few minutes.
Drink this at the first sign of allergies.
5. Plain yogurt
The live cultures and natural antihistamines found in plain yogurt help improve your bacterial flora and strengthen the function of your immune system.

Substances such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus have been linked to a decreased risk of allergies.

½ cup of plain yogurt (122 g)
1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
How do you make it?
Sweeten the plain yogurt with a tablespoon of honey and consume this once a day.
6. Alfalfa tea
Drinking alfalfa tea can help alleviate that burning sensation in the eyes and excess mucus in the nose.

1 tablespoon of alfalfa (10 g)
1 cup of water (250 ml)
How do you make it?
Add the alfalfa to a pot of water and let it simmer for a few minutes.
Allow it to steep and strain off the liquid before consuming.
Drink this tea once a day.
7. Ginkgo biloba tea
Ginkgo biloba tea contains substances called ginkgolides whose anti-allergenic effect decreases excess mucus and itchy eyes. The natural antihistamines present help relieve these side effects.

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