My Baby Has Eczema! Do Collagen Supplements Work? We Answer Your Questions! | VMV Hypoallergenics

Can someone with lip dermatitis use our lipsticks? What products do I use for eczema … what about a 4-month-old baby’s eczema? Should I apply Id Monolaurin Gel after or before moisturizer? This Ask A Skintellectual Session is packed with goodness and helpful info!

1:00 – Does topical and oral collagen really work?
2:30 – Products to lessen eczema
4:47 – Should moisturizer go before or after Id Monolaurin Gel?
5:18 – Are VMV lipsticks safe for those who have lip dermatitis?
6:47 – Products suited for 7 year old girls?
7:27 – Is the Red Better line safe to use on babies with atopic derm / eczema?
9:19 – Hyperhydrosis

Keep the questions coming here in our comments, in Instagram or Facebook, or on our websites!

Shop the lines mentioned:
🛁 Essence Skin-Saving Shampoo, Conditioner, Hand-Body Soother, Toothpaste, Antiperspirant, Stay Fresh-ener:
🥥 Know-It-Oil:
💄 Skintelligent Beauty Lipsticks:
🤱 Grandma Minnie’s All-Over Lotion, Oil’s Well, Boo-Boo Balm, and more:
🔆 Armada Sun + Light Screens (Philippines):
🦸 Red Better Calm-The-Heck-Down Balm:

🦠 Id Monolaurin Gel:
👁️ Re-Everything Eye Serum:


Posts on our blog and YouTube channel mentioned in the video:
🔎 Eczema Search Results on InSKIN!
📺 The Skin Barrier Layer (livestream replay):
🧯 Steroids: Allergen, or Not An Allergen:
📺 Steroids: Allergen, or Not An Allergen (video):

📺 Topical Steroids (livestream replay):

📺 Best Way to Manage Eczema (video):
📺 All About Eczema (livestream replay):
📺 How to Apply Skincare in the Right Order (video):
🪜 Which Comes First, The Toner Or The Lotion? How To Apply Skincare In The Right Order:
📺 Fix Acne, Skin Problems Around the Mouth & Dry Lips With … Toothpaste! (video):
👄 Acne or Skin Problems on or Around the Mouth? Peri-Oral Dermatitis:
👶🏽 My Baby Has Eczema:
📺 Hyperhidrosis and Body Odor (video):
🙈 “Skintimate” Problems: Skin Issues That Might Embarrass You But Shouldn’t:


🛍 Shop VMV Hypoallergenics products in the USA and internationally:
🛍 Shop VMV Hypoallergenics products in the Philippines:
👩‍⚕️ Contact the VMV Skin Research Centre + Clinic:
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Other links and studies mentioned:

📚 Choi FD, Sung CT, Juhasz ML, Mesinkovsk NA. Oral Collagen Supplementation: A Systematic Review of Dermatological Applications. J Drugs Dermatol. 2019 Jan 1;18(1):9-16. PMID: 30681787:

#VMVHypoallergenics #HypoallergenicSkincare


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