What causes Prickly Heat Rash? – Dr. Rajdeep Mysore

It is summer season it is very hot and all of us are sweating, let us understand what causes specifically heat rash your body is filled up with about 4 million sweat glands so there are areas in the body like face and armpits and the growing area which have more sweat glands and the rest of the body so when these sweat glands start producing too much of sweat and the skin get soaked with the sweat. The opening of the sweat gland becomes soft, the soft opening on the sweat gland gets easily block causing collection of the Sweat under the skin if the sweat collects very superficially under the skin it causes a symptom or patient doesn’t have any itching, any burning sensation but it causes small rashes on the skin which resolves on its own. If the sweat collects at the deeper layer it causes lot of redness, itching which is commonly called as prickly heat rash. As doctors we call this rashes Malaria Rubra, if the rash occurs at more deeper level especially for patient so keep getting this Rush repeatedly then it can form first peel lessons has a body starts reacting to the Sweat presents deep in the skin. This prickly heat Rash generally is found an area with sweat more like the armpit and souls it generally found more commonly in children, in children it is thought to be found most commonly because they sweat glands are not developed properly and it also found more commonly in places in countries like us which is a tropical countries which is very hot and humid especially in summer. So summarizing the causes of this prickly heat rash one is there is too much temperature so that too much heat and humidity causing increase sweating, the second is a sweat gland getting blocked and third is body’s reaction so when sweat is leaking out into the skin the body produces a reaction which causes itching and sometimes formation of all over the skin.


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