Is continuous use of medications necessary for managing severe dandruff? – Dr. Nischal K

Dandruff is a condition which usually gets triggered at puberty. The hormones which are secreted at puberty, they also trigger the oil gland activity and they give dandruff. Because the hormones is going to stay in the body and we cannot remove these hormones, because it is required for other body functions, dandruff can be a persistent problem. They start at 10-11 years and they can remain even at 50-60 years. No one can predict for how long a dandruff problem can stay. However dandruff is also influenced by other factors like stress, lack of sleep, any medical illness, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, other hormonal conditions like PCOD, uncontrolled diabetes or thyroid issues. So whenever you have severe dandruff you need to look at these aspects in addition to treating dandruff as such. Sometimes, dandruff is so intense that it not only involves the scalp but it also involves the eyebrows, the eye lashes, the beard and moustache, behind the ears and also the upper chest, upper back, under arms, groins and genital cleft. These areas can also be involved in dandruff reaction and that is often technically referred to as seborrheic dermatitis. So when these dandruff is severe we do treat people with internal medications. Sometimes dandruff is confused with psoriasis because psoriasis is also present with redness, itching and scaling. It has to be diagnosed and treated appropriately by a dermatologist. Because the problem is mainly because of the hormones this condition is persistent, it stays for a longer duration and most often the treatment is very simple in the form of maintaining scalp hygiene, washing the hair very frequently either daily or alternate days reduces the sebum or oily secretion on the scalp and thereby reduces the fungal infection, using an antifungal shampoo instead of regular shampoo and sometimes if the flaking is more you can use a shampoo containing salicylic acid which can remove the scales. Very rarely in addition ton that we put some people on lotion which can reduce the inflammation and that is not so common. The dandruff reaction a such varies with the lifestyle changes as I have told you. Dandruff is also influenced by stress and sleep and when there is lot of stress and lack of sleep then that has to be addressed in addition to the medications. Without addressing if we treat it is not going to work so well. So lifestyle changes is one thing that comes when treating dandruff in the long run.


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