Can ayurvedic remedies be continued with allopathic medications? – Ms. Sushma Jaiswal

Can natural remedies or ayurvedic remedies be continued with allopathic medicines like say for PCOS or back pain. this a very complicated question, because all the treatment therapies are different, however in some cases it can be continued while in some it may not. Like in some therapies like ayurvedic, they work on pitta, vata. So they restrict some food types to be taken along with their treatment. In homeopathy they are not supposed to drink half an hour before, half an hour after of taking medication. And allopathic doesn’t restrict anything. So it depends on what kind of treatment that you are taking. Although natural treatment like natural therapy, it also doesn’t restrict anything. It can be taken along with allopathy or ayurvedic or homeopath or anything that you are taking and they don’t contradict anything. Or you can take the appointment of the doctor there.


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