Celery Juice for Glowing Skin & Heal from Eczema #shorts #celeryjuice #glowingskin #naturalbeauty

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I have been drinking pure celery juice on an empty stomach for over 5 years now. I have experienced a lot of health benefits from this simple routine. Celery juice is very powerful when you drink it solo and on an empty stomach. I am excited to share with you what it has done to my skin.

Drinking celery juice can help heal skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, prematurely aging skin, and dehydrated skin. Celery juice works wonders on the skin for 3 primary reasons: coumarins, vitamin C, and sodium cluster salts according to Medical Medium. 

Here is some info about pure celery juice from the Medical Medium website (
Coumarins from celery juice travel to the top of the skin and reinvigorate skin cells from the inside out. This results in less skin cell death, less deterioration, and it supports nerves and blood flow. Many people are getting facials or visiting the sauna for the results they could see if celery juice was consistently consumed daily on an empty stomach.

The vitamin C in celery juice is unique from that found in other foods. This special form of vitamin C restores the liver’s immune system, increasing its capacity to fight off viruses and bacteria. You may take vitamin C supplements and that is important, but the vitamin C found in celery juice is different in that it does not need to be converted. Celery juice offers this unique vitamin C that is part of the reason so many people around the globe are healing by drinking straight celery juice every day.

Sodium cluster salts are a natural subgroup of sodium that is found in celery. These sodium cluster salts act as a poison to viruses and bacteria while remaining completely nontoxic and healing to your body. The toxins and pathogens in the liver are responsible for skin conditions. Celery juice also disarms the destructive charge of toxic heavy metals inside the body and helps the liver to heal.

As celery juice kills off the underlying viruses behind so many skin conditions and heals your body in the other ways, you will see your skin improve over time. I know I have!

Note: for those with more severe cases of eczema, drinking celery juice may appear to cause some initial symptomatic reactions. The reason for this is that in severe cases, the person will have a higher viral load and build up of toxic heavy metals in the liver. When you first start drinking celery juice, then, the byproducts of this viral load feeding on the metals—the dermatoxins—get pushed out through the skin. It’s important to know that it isn’t the celery juice making your symptoms worse; the celery juice is effectively killing off the virus and detoxifying the dermatoxins.

The truth is that eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions can absolutely be healed. I know I have been told by many doctors that I will have to live with eczema forever and that it’s genetic. I now find peace in knowing this isn’t true. You can absolutely heal.

Hope you will give celery juice a try. To read more about celery juice and all it’s benefits, please visit


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