How to identify Seborrheic Dermatitis? – Dr. Rasya Dixit

One of the common causes of redness, rash and itching in multiple areas especially in the under the breast on the back on the grain as well as inside the ear can be a simple condition called Seborrheic dermatitis. This is like a variation of the skin where the skin produces exercise skin and excessive oil and this area becomes more amenable for skin fungus to grow and when this fungus as over grown this area becomes very sensitive and rushing because these are the areas which sweat more this area some more prone for this. The treatment includes that trick used for some topical antifungal creams as well as mild detergent or mild soap you use it is not like you have a fungal infection so we have to use so harsh soap it actually makes the condition much worse so using the mind antifungal soap and antifungal cream may be you will need some prescription creams to make the rash get better. Unfortunately these conditions tend to be recurrent so you might also notice that you are getting this particular skin disease in particular seasons of the month. This is also usually related to stress on life style so if you can cut down your junk and exercise more health and be healthier and adopt a Healthy lifestyle this would definitely come down.


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