How does gluten rash look like? How to manage it naturally? – Dr. Sahana Ramesh Tambat

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Of late there is a rise in terms of awareness of gluten sensitivity. What is gluten? Gluten is something which is found in wheat, barley, rye. It is a substance in terms of binding the flour when you are preparing any kind of preparation. So recently the number of celiac disease is on a rise. So the presentation is usually going to be on the skin, they can have presentation on the stomach or they ca have presentation on the respiratory. Gluten rash is the most difficult to manage because it will have skin itching, burning, blisters going to be present and quite difficult for the child to be with it. The tough areas are the folds of the body like the arms, back of the knee, abdomen and most irritating area is going to be the buttock area which the children find it very difficult to be with. First and foremost is in terms of identification. To know that you are actually sensitive to gluten, you may have to cut down aa lot of things and again reintroduce it to know if it is affecting you. You try to isolate the food which is going to affect you and once you see the symptoms doesn’t come back as we discussed. A natural management is going to be more important is because once you stop your staple diet, you need to supplement it with other things. So it is going to have a balanced diet where a lot of vitamins is going to be incorporated, energy boosting things in the diet to be incorporated and the natural management of the skin or the affected area is going to be a lot of care in terms of maintaining the hygiene part of it so that it doesn’t continue to affect it that way. Homeopathic medicines are best in treating you constitutionally which will hep to improvise your digestion, tolerance to other thigs and improvise in terms of the digestive process to see if you are susceptible to such things. Ideally avoid getting into situations that can cause in terms of eating mixed kind of fibres or mixed kind of cereals which are difficult to digest and second thing is avoid it when you are doubtful and third thing is in terms of giving a complete food care when it is going to give out the necessary contents of the vitamins or the calories for the day.


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