Did you know that not everyone can use Tretinoin?

Here’s a list of people who generally should not use tretinoin:

1. Pregnant or breastfeeding women: Tretinoin can be absorbed through the skin and potentially harm a developing fetus or breastfeeding infant.

2. People with allergies to tretinoin or other ingredients in the medication: It’s important to check the ingredients list for any known allergies.

3. People with severe eczema or sunburn: Tretinoin can irritate already compromised skin.

4. People undergoing certain facial procedures: Consult your doctor before using tretinoin if you’ve recently had laser treatment, dermabrasion, or a chemical peel.

5. People using certain medications: Tretinoin can interact with other medications, so it’s crucial to disclose your full medication list to your doctor before starting tretinoin.

6. People with a weakened immune system: Tretinoin might increase susceptibility to infections.

7. Individuals with uncontrolled rosacea: While tretinoin can be helpful for some rosacea cases, it can worsen symptoms in others. Discuss with your dermatologist.

8. People with a history of skin cancer: Consult your doctor to assess the risks and benefits.

It’s important to note that this list is not exhaustive. Always consult with a dermatologist before starting tretinoin to determine if it’s safe and appropriate for your individual needs.

#tretinoin #tretinoinjourney #skincarescience


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