Dark skin of private parts in women. Causes & How to lighten it? – Dr. Regina Joseph|Doctors' Circle

Dr. Regina Joseph | Appointment booking number: 9886204044
Consultant Aesthetics Physician, Cosmetic Gynaecologist | Splendore Cosmetic and Gynec Cosmetic Clinic, HSR 2nd Sector, Bangalore
The darkening of the genital region is commonly seen in most of the women and as it is mentioned, it is very less spoken about and very few come for lightening. Sometimes sit is genetic predisposition, sometimes it is because of obesity . Also darkness is because of increase in estrogen level and increased blood supply. This is a physiological change. When it stays in that region for a very long time, it could be because of cancer. Sometimes because of obesity there is increase thickens, increased friction, decreased aeration, tight undergarments, all these factors are responsible for this, the treatment in Cosmetic Gynecology, we can use laser. We need to rule out pathological cause, and we can give laser treatment. We can also do laser end peels and the asymmetry also gets corrected and this gives a feeling of goodness to the individual.


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