Top 5 Amazing Uses Of Tea Tree Essential Oil For Skin Infections

Top 5 Amazing Uses Of Tea Tree Essential Oil For Skin Infections

Tea Tree Oil: Multiple Uses

Tea Tree oil can be used both clinically and at home for a variety of conditions including sunburn, prickly heat, dermatitis, psoriasis, tropical ringworm, lice infestation, lesions caused by herpes simplex virus, gingivitis, boils, pimples, cosmetic rashes, gum infections, abrasions, athlete’s foot, toothaches, bacterial skin infections, sore throats, insect bites, and yeast infections.

To help skin conditions, wounds, and insect bites, you can apply pure oil, a dilution of tea tree oil, or a cream containing tea tree oil directly onto the skin. A few drops of tea tree oil can be added to your favorite shampoo to alleviate scalp irritation. For gingivitis or oral ulcers, a few drops can be added to warm water and used to rinse the mouth (tea tree oil should never be ingested). Tea tree oil can be added to hand soaps to increase the antimicrobial capacity or added to water in a humidifier to disinfect a room.


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