Vitamin A Cream, Oil & Other Products | Vitamins

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Vitamin A is used in creams and oils for anti-aging and for people with skin problems such as acne. You do want to be careful when using vitamin A because some of the side effets include burning, peeling, stinging, and also increased sunburn potential. So if you like to go in the sun, you want to be careful, especially if you’re using vitamin A creams and oils. If you’re pregnant, nursing, and also planning to become pregnant, it’s really important to make sure you’re not getting too much vitamin A, especially if you’re taking it orally for say, skin problems. Too much vitamin A can lead to birth defects, so you definitely want to be careful, especially if you’re taking oral doses of vitamin A. For people with allergies to vitamin A, you also want to make sure you’re not overdoing it with vitamin A creams and oils. If you’re taking prescription or non-prescription medications, herbs, or other supplements, you want to be careful because they may interact with vitamin A cream or the oral vitamin A you may be taking. Just make sure you’re taking the right amount, which is recommended by your doctor.


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