The Best Trick for Clear Skin (Acne, Aging, Wrinkles, Liver Spots)

The Best Trick for Clear Skin (Acne, Aging, Wrinkles, Liver Spots)
So todays video is about The Best Trick for Clear Skin (Acne, Aging, Wrinkles, Liver Spots).
Do you know The Best Trick for Clear Skin (Acne, Aging, Wrinkles, Liver Spots). Wandering what it is? Here is the answer….

So, if you guessed that fasting holds the key to clear skin, you’re absolutely right. The benefits of fasting extend far beyond your skin and can even enhance your body’s ability to combat infections, boost vision, improve mental acuity, and promote anti-aging and hormone health.
Let’s explore the impact of fasting on your skin, based on fascinating studies conducted during Ramadan. The research revealed significant improvements in various skin conditions, including dermatitis, itching, inflammation, acne, psoriasis, and rosacea. How does fasting contribute to clear skin? At first glance, it may seem contradictory to starve your body to enhance your skin. However, fasting doesn’t equate to starvation; instead, it mimics the natural rhythm your body has evolved to follow. For most of human history, we didn’t have access to food as frequently as we do now. Our bodies are designed to endure periods of fasting, and by embracing this practice, we activate genes that aid survival and promote overall health.
During fasting, your body experiences an increase in stem cells. These undifferentiated cells possess the ability to transform into any type of cell your body requires. By replacing damaged cells with new ones, fasting promotes anti-aging effects. Autophagy is another remarkable process stimulated by fasting. It involves the recycling of old and damaged cells, allowing your body to generate fresh, vibrant skin cells. Fasting also influences a hormone called IGF-1, similar to growth hormone, which stimulates collagen production. As we age, collagen and elastin levels decline, leading to brittle and sagging skin. Fasting can help tighten and revitalize your skin. Additionally, fasting increases VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), which enhances blood flow to your skin and aids in scar reduction and wound healing. Moreover, fasting reduces inflammation, a key factor in achieving healthy and radiant skin. Many individuals experience skin redness and rashes caused by inflammation, which fasting effectively combats.
Frequent eating is detrimental to your skin. Consuming sugar, carbs, and omega-6 fatty acids (commonly found in seed oils) exacerbates skin inflammation. Stress also impacts your skin negatively, as increased cortisol levels raise insulin and trigger skin problems. Managing stress is vital, as it affects your skin’s protein breakdown. Allergies, a toxic liver, and an unhealthy colon can profoundly affect your skin, but fasting can help improve these conditions. Furthermore, fasting supports the immune system, making it an excellent solution for autoimmune skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. As you age, the loss of collagen and elastin becomes more apparent. However, fasting can reverse this process through autophagy and the generation of new stem cells.
So, how can you implement fasting in a simple yet effective manner? Here’s a straightforward approach: skip breakfast and instead have coffee with some MCT oil, which suppresses hunger and provides energy. This way, you can easily reach your first meal at noon, followed by another meal at 6 p.m. Avoid snacking between meals and maintain your regular dietary choices. By adhering to this schedule, you’ll achieve 18 hours of fasting, and if you extend the fasting period by not eating for an additional four hours, you’ll complete 22 hours of fasting. This extended fasting period can work wonders for your skin, even without altering your diet.
To further enhance your skin health, consider reducing your carbohydrate intake and gradually transitioning to a ketogenic diet. Additionally, spending time outdoors in the sun allows your skin to benefit from vitamin D and the healing properties of infrared rays. Your gut health plays a significant role in your skin’s well-being, so incorporating probiotics or fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, or kefir into your diet is highly recommended.
Lastly, a “ninja trick” for exceptional skin is cod liver oil. Unlike regular fish oils, cod liver oil provides omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and vitamin D, which are essential for skin health. Omega-3 fatty acids act as potent antioxidants. The next video in this series will delve deeper into fasting, providing you with all the necessary details to fast correctly. Check it out by clicking here!


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