Do Not Ignore These 5 Warning Signs Of Unhealthy Gut

Your gut is the entire digestive tract that runs from your esophagus to your rectum. It does more than just take in food and excrete food, however. Experts refer to the gut as the second brain. The microbes and nerves in the gut can launch communication with the brain, affecting everything from hunger to mood.
If your gut is healthy, you have a proper balance of good and bad bacteria.
Here are 5-warning signs that you have an unhealthy-gut

1.Stress, Anxiety and Depression
The lining of your intestines is filled with nerves that contain similar tissue as the brain. These nerves communicate with the brain.
Your intestines also release the same feel-good neurotransmitters that are responsible for making you feel good. If your gut-bacteria are in balance, you’re more likely to feel mentally balanced too.
2.Skin Problems
Whether you have persistent acne, rosacea, eczema, dandruff or itchy, flaky skin, even the most intensive skin care routine may not fix the problem. That’s because your skin problems may be coming from your gut.
Skin experts refer to a gut-brain-skin axis that explains how gut health affects inflammation throughout the body, which in-turn affects the skin.
3.Stubborn Weight
If you have trouble losing weight no matter what you do, it may be due to an unhealthy gut.
The bad-news is that people who are overweight or obese have a different balance of intestinal bacteria than people who are at a healthy weight. The balance of microbes that you have from birth can set the stage for your weight throughout your life.
The good-news is that as overweight people lose-weight, their gut becomes more balanced. Taking a probiotics supplement has also been shown to help with weight loss.
4.Yeast Infections
Yeast can grow out of control when your system is imbalanced. The imbalance in the gut can show-up as digestive issues, fungal infections of the skin, constant fatigue or even fibromyalgia. This can also cause a condition known as candida.

5.Lack of Energy
If you find it hard to dredge up any energy even when you’ve had enough sleep, you may have an unhealthy-gut.
An unhealthy balance of bacteria in the gut can prevent your body from absorbing the nutrients it needs from foods, leaving you tired all the time.
An unhealthy gut can also be permeable, meaning that it lets in toxins through the intestinal walls. These unhealthy chemicals can also affect your energy-levels.
So how Can You Build a Healthy Gut?

• Consume more probiotics – Eating fermented-foods or taking probiotic supplements can help restore the balance in your gut.
• Drink apple cider vinegar – Adding a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water can boost the amount of acid in your stomach, helping your digestion to function properly
• Stay hydrated – Water is necessary for just about every bodily function, including maintaining a healthy-gut.
• Eat less sugar – Sugar is another culprit that feeds the unhealthy bacteria. Eliminating it from your diet can help rebalance your intestinal microbiome.

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