6 Health Benefits of Vitamin E Cream for Skin, Dark Circles & Scars

6 Health Benefits of Vitamin E Cream for Skin, Dark Circles & Scars
Vitamin E is one of the most popular ingredients in skin-care products. It’s commonly added to creams, lotions, eye serums and anti-aging treatments.

Let take a look at its benefits

1 Heals Skin Naturally
One of the primary benefits of vitamin E creams lies in its ability to heal the skin. According to a 2014 review published in the International Wound Journal, this nutrient accelerates wound healing by modulating gene expression and cellular signaling. It also has positive effects on connective tissue growth factor, leading to faster tissue repair and regeneration.

If you have any wounds on your face or body, you may apply a vitamin E ointment on the affected area.
2 Hyperpigmentation & dark circles
Dark patches on your skin can be caused by too much pigment (melanin), which is triggered by hormones or other causes. This condition is believed to be treatable through the use of topical vitamin E creams.
The most effective way to use vitamin E to treat hyperpigmentation is to pair it with vitamin C.
3 Preventing aging and wrinkles on your face
There are three antioxidants that have been proven to decrease the effect of the sun on the skin and actually prevent further damage: selenium, vitamin E, and vitamin C.” Antioxidants are known to prevent agents called free radicals from damaging cells in the body and the skin
Vitamin E is high in antioxidants, and it affects blood circulation. That might be why people notice a difference in the firmness and structure of their skin after topical use of vitamin E oil.
4 Improves Scars
Scars can affect your confidence as well as your looks. As your skin recovers from burns, cuts and other injuries, your body begins to form new collagen to offset the damage. When your wound heals, a scar takes its place.
According to a study in 2016, half the subjects saw major improvements after using a vitamin E creams. Other studies have been less promising. This nutrient appears to be effective against scars when used in combination therapy.
So the evidence is mixed. The subjects enrolled in these studies reported either major improvement or no improvement.

5 for stretch marks
when it comes to preventing stretch marks, the evidence is not super encouraging.
There are plenty of anecdotal claims that vitamin E or cocoa butter prevents stretch marks. But stretch marks only appear in about half of all pregnancies, so it’s hard to say whether the absense of marks is due to the “treatment” or just good luck.
In a study, involving 800 women and a variety of topical preparations containing vitamin E, analysts found no statistical differences in the formation of stretch marks between the women who used the creams vs. women who used a placebo.
However you will find evidence of youtube of people claiming it works so there is no harm in giving it a try.
6 For smooth, soft lips
Topical vitamin E oil can be used to relieve chapped, dry lips. Since vitamin E promotes cell turnover and regeneration, using it on dry lips brings new cells to the surface faster.
The thick and oily consistency of vitamin E oil can also prevent further irritation.

The use of vitamin E for face and body treatments remains controversial. Even though this fat-soluble nutrient increases skin hydration and moisture, its effects on scar appearance, eczema, stretch marks and wounds require further research. A quality vitamin E lotion can benefit your skin and may protect it from free radicals.
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And im sure your going to enjoy this next video 21 Amazing Vitamin E Uses & Benefits For Hair Growth, Skin & Face

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