7 Home Remedies For Poison Ivy

7 Home Remedies For Poison Ivy: Pick up your FREE A to Z Guide Full of over 100+ Home Remedies.

Hey everyone Rob here from Remedies Insider and welcome back to the channel.

And in today’s video, I will show you 7 Home Remedies For Poison Ivy that will help relieve the itch.

So if you are ready let’s go.

Chances are, if you’ve ever come into contact with poison ivy (or its cousins, poison oak or sumac), you’ll remember the experience.

There is nothing nice about the accompanying rash with its red, itchy, blisters.

You’re not alone in your misery.

More than 85% of people had the same reaction to this obnoxious weed.

Poison ivy outbreaks are actually allergic contact dermatitis.

Urushiol, an oil released by plants, is the trigger.

There are certain persons who are more sensitive than others to urushiol oil.

Other fortunate individuals have no reaction to it at all and can actually roll in the stuff without getting harmed.

Most of the experts do not recommend it.

As a result of this, the best natural cure for poison ivy involves waiting.

Here are 7 home remedies for poison ivy that you can use to stop the itch.

Start by experimenting with Cold Compresses.

3-4 times a day, apply cold compresses

For alleviation, apply a wet towel or cold compress to the affected region.

It’s important not to overdo it, though.

However, you do not want your skin to become soft, wet, or pale.

Oatmeal Onslaught is a great way to start your day.

Oatmeal baths are wonderful for drying out blisters that are leaking. Ivy itch can also be relieved by using these creams.

Their relaxing properties can help dry up the rash, and they can also assist relieve itching.

Rinse and lather.

Urushiol can be removed from the skin by rinsing it with lukewarm soapy water or rubbing alcohol within an hour of coming into contact with poison ivy.

Everything else that has come into contact with the plant should be washed.

Urushiol has a long shelf life.

It’s possible that skipping the cleanup will result in a second outbreak.

It has been said that dishwashing liquid can be used to remove excess oil from the skin.

4. Protect your skin from the elements.

You want to keep the rash as clean as you can to prevent infection, and wear long sleeves or a thin bandage if it’s blistering or weeping.

5. Get your hands dirty.

A “mud pack” of bentonite clay can be purchased at a health food store, and it can be mixed with water to produce a thick paste.

To dry up blisters and control itching, apply it to the diseased skin, then remove it when it begins to peel off or becomes itchy.

The clay poultice can be improved by adding a quarter-to-a-half teaspoon of powdered Oregon grape root.

In order to cool the rash, add a drop of lavender essential oil.

Herbs are a great way to add flavor to your dishes.

Grindelia tincture is recommended by herbalists to alleviate itching.

Another benefit of using an echinacea wash is that it reduces inflammation in the skin.

Echinacea tincture is mixed with water in a ratio of one part to three parts. Rinse diseased regions several times a day with the solution.

You can also play a game of waiting.

How long does poison ivy take to go away? The pimples and blisters can remain anywhere from 14 to 21 days, depending on the severity.

Cortisone creams and calamine lotion are also available over-the-counter.

Some of the itching associated with poison ivy can be alleviated with the use of these remedies.

When applying, follow the instructions on the label.

Be sure to thoroughly clean and dry the area before reapplying the product again.

Okay, well, I hope you enjoyed today’s video on 7 Home Remedies For Poison Ivy.

So if you like today’s video please give it a thumbs up and share it with your family and friends.

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Thank You!

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