What is Discovery, Invention and Innovation : Dr APJ Abdulkalam talks

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I am Pradeepkumar KP, ENGINEERS’ GROWTH COACH. I am on a Mission to help One Million Engineers to achieve high-Income growth and happy living using TRUE Growth Model, the knowledge business model for Engineers.

Dr. APJ Abdulkalam talks about discovery, invention, and innovation. He also gives the answer, what is the connection between these three? Also, he defines what is discovery and what is innovation and what is invention? See, discovery is something, what is already built in the nature and you find it out ,those items that already use some natural law or something, all that there, just finding out and, proceeding it is the discovery. Invention is something that you create and add a new item or a functional element or something, that out of the some, principles, some laws, you are making some item, that can be useful to people. That may be for some other purpose, it may call as invention .Innovation is something that you have already some inventions, or we may have already some machinery, or you may have some, some techniques technology resource that resource, if you can give a value addition, applying some other technology to it. Or some different kinds of applications, finding all the different kinds of applications of it, the different other methods that may be called as innovation. So he also defined some, the different characteristics of a person to become an inventor or a discoverer or a innovator. Please listen to him.
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