EAT THIS, Not This To Help Stop Eczema | Warning Signs Of Eczema

In today’s video, we’ll be discussing things you didn’t know about Eczema. What causes it? Can changing your diet really improve the situation? We’re talking all that AND more…

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#Eczema #DietForEczema #Bestie


Intro – 0:00
What is Eczema and what causes it? – 00:28
What role does food play in controlling eczema? – 01:59
Let us have a look at a few foods that can stop Eczema – 02:30
Fish – 02:48
Probiotics – 03:06
Flavonoids – 03:27
So what are some foods that are bad for Eczema? – 03:55
Supplements for soothing Eczema – 05:57


What is Eczema and what causes it?

Eczema is a long-standing skin condition that is generally accompanied by red, inflamed, itchy skin. You may see it developing in patches. The condition worsens with scratching. Scratching can increase the boundary of the existing patches, and may cause an infection. Dirt from your nails is transferred during scratching, and gets stuck in this broken skin. This can cause serious infections.

Eczema has another name. It’s often called atopic dermatitis by doctors. It can start as early as infancy, stay with you through childhood, and still be with you in your adulthood. Therefore, this condition is long-standing.

What role does food play in controlling eczema?

Inflammation plays a major role in Eczema. Chemical compounds like T-cells will speed up the inflammation process. They help your immune system.

Ready for a big word? Immunoglobulins are also important for giving a boost to your immunity. They’re produced when foreign objects like bacteria or viruses enter the body.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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