How to Get Rid of Angular Cheilitis Naturally at Home || Home Remedies For Crack Lips

How to Get Rid of Angular Cheilitis Naturally at Home || Home Remedies For Crack Lips

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Hi everyone today we will discuss how to get rid angular cheilitis. the cracked lips corner provide pain and sores. angular cheilitis can be treated with some special home remedies. apply these home remedies to get rid of cracked lips corner. These remedies for angular cheilitis are very effective for treating crack lips.

Angular cheilitis, refers to a lips infection that leads to inflammation and cracked skin in the corners of the mouth where the lips meet. The condition starts as mild discomfort and slowly progresses into painful sores. While the inflammation may not appear very grave, it can make everyday activities like speaking and eating difficult. Angular cheilitis can affect either one side or both sides of the mouth.

If you are suffering from symptoms of angular cheilitis, it is important to get the condition diagnosed to ensure appropriate treatment. Your doctor may take culture swabs from the corners of your mouth to send to a lab for testing. Once confirmed, you can use one of the following home remedies to get rid of angular cheilitis.

Home Remedy # 1:

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is the most popular remedy for treating any fungal infection. Add 2 or 3 drops of tea tree essential oil to 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin coconut oil. Blend the two oils. Soak a cotton ball in the solution. Dab it over the affected skin surrounding your mouth. Reapply it 3 times daily for 2 to 3 days to get rid of angular cheilitis.

Home Remedy # 2:

Vitamin B

Our bodies require vitamin B to strengthen the immune system and ward off infections. Consume 1 vitamin B complex capsule every day for 3 to 4 days to treat angular cheilitis. You will notice improvement in just 24 hours. Continue to take the supplement for 1 week to improve your body’s resistance.

Home Remedy # 3:

Dish Soap & Vaseline

This home remedy to treat angular cheilitis uses dish soap, which acts as a mild antibacterial cleanser to disinfect the skin. Add about 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap to ½ cup of warm water. Mix well to dissolve the soap. Soak a cotton ball in the solution and swipe it over the affected skin to clean off any dirt. Pat dry the skin with a clean cloth. Coat the inflamed skin with a thick layer of Vaseline.

Home Remedy # 4:


Yogurt that contains live cultures of the healthy bacteria, will help decolonize the invading pathogens and restore the natural flora in your body. Apply plain yogurt containing live cultures on the corners of your mouth. Leave it on overnight. The next morning, rinse it off with lukewarm water, pat dry and reapply.

Home Remedy # 5:

Castor Oil

Apart from its many beauty benefits, castor oil can also serve well for good health. Apply cold-pressed castor oil on the affected areas of your mouth. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water.

Home Remedy # 6:

Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is being embraced as an amazing healing potion all around the world. Apply Manuka honey over the cracked and blistered skin. Leave it on for 2 to 3 hours, then rinse it off with tepid water. Pat dry your skin and reapply.

Home Remedy # 7:

Antifungal Cream

If none of the natural ingredients above have helped you, consult your doctor about using an antifungal cream. Apply 1% hydrocortisone-based antifungal cream on the inflamed or cracked skin several times a day to get rid of angular cheilitis.

If you are suffering from symptoms of angular cheilitis, it is important to get the condition diagnosed to ensure appropriate treatment. Once confirmed, you can use one of the following home remedies to get rid of angular cheilitis.

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