8 HEALTHIEST Plants You Must Have In Your House

Did you know that your home might be housing more harmful pollutants than outside? These gasses are called volatile organic compounds or VOCs. Things like air fresheners, craft supplies, paint, and even household cleaners could be emitting harmful VOCs all around you. But don’t worry, in today’s video, we’re gonna solve this problem and create clean air space with plants.

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#HealthiestPlants #HomePlants #PlanetHealth

✅ Sources:

⏳ Timestamps:
⏱️ Intro – 0:00
⏱️ Ficus or Weeping Fig – 00:42⏱️ Aloe Vera – 01:30⏱️ Spider Plant – 02:19 ⏱️ Snake Plant – 03:22 ⏱️ Chrysanthemum – 03:54⏱️ English Ivy – 04:42⏱️ Dracaenas – 05:30⏱️ Peace Lily – 06:02⏱️Clears the Air Of Toxins – 07:01⏱️They Boost Your Mood – 07:20⏱️Holistic Therapy – 08:00
🎵 Music:

✍️ Summary:
Ficus or Weeping FigAccording to a clean air study the Weeping Fig is one of the top contenders for cleansing air borne toxins like formaldehyde, xylene and toluene, which can build up from carpet and furniture cleaners or stain removers.
Aloe Vera This is one of the easiest plants to care for on our list, and one of the most giving. Aloe vera is where the soothing gel of aloe comes from, and is an instant remedy for burns and wound healing.
Spider Plant If you have a knack for killing plants, the spider plant might be right for you. This plant adds a wonderful pattern to your space and prefers lots of bright, indirect sunlight.
Snake Plant The snake plant is another really easy plant to take care of. It likes to be on the drier side, so you shouldn’t water it everyday, and it can take a wide range of light levels.
Chrysanthemum If you want to add a splash of color, Chrysanthemums or “mums” are a wonderful choice. They come in many colors including white, orange, yellow and pink.
English Ivy
Here’s one you can place in the bathroom. English Ivy is especially great if you like to dye your hair at home, because it is said to reduce levels of trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, xylene, ammonia, and benzene which can be found in a lot of salon products.

Perfect for those who want something a little different. There are 40 different types of Dracaenas.

The Peace Lily
It’s relaxing just thinking about a peace lily. They’re beautiful plants that offer up stunning white flowers when in bloom.

Now, here are some health benefits you’ll enjoy once you add some plants to your home. They Clear the Air Of Toxins As mentioned before, house plants can help trap harmful toxins and re-release them as less harmful by-products.
They Boost Your Mood Yes, plants are a natural way to feel a little better each day. Research says that touching soft or smooth plants can help you to feel more calm.
Holistic Therapy Some folks use gardens as therapy, whether it’s the simple act of gardening yourself, or just walking through one.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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