Swallow Wort Calotropis | Urdu | اک کا پودا | زہر کا تریاق | wound healing remedy |

calotropis aaq k faiday
crown flower
huge powering plant

13. Antidote for snake poison

During the olden times, people chewed the leaves of the Calotropis Gigantea plant and applied the latex over the wound of a snake bite.

14. Relief for a toothache

We apply the latex on the gums to get relief from a toothache.

15. Relief from gastritis

They process the leaves of the Crown flower plant and use it to get relief from gastritis.

16. Cure for chronic diarrhea and indigestion

Use the preparations of the Crown flower plant to cure diarrhea that is long lasting. It settles the stomach and helps augment the digestive process.

17. Use as an abortifacient

Milky discharge of the Crown flower plant is an abortifacient. So, women who want to abort their child will use the latex preparations.

18. Spasmogenic property

The preparations of the plant are capable of Spasmogenic effect. So, it finds use in the treatment of a variety of diseases.

19. Treat sexually transmitted diseases

People use the white flowers of the Crown flower plant for treating diseases such as syphilis.

20. Good anti-fungal property

You can treat diseases such as candida by using the Sodom plant preparations. The medicine can prove poisonous if you overdose so be careful.

Traditional uses and benefits of Crown flower (Sodom)

The plant reportedly has antifungal and insecticidal properties.

In traditional medicine, crown flower is used as treatment for common diseases such as fever, coughs and colds, eczema, rheumatism, nausea, and diarrhea.

Latex is also used for treatment for sprains, boils, body pains, and pimples.

Milky sap (latex) clots when warm and is said to have similar cardiac properties to digitalis (from various Digitalis spp.).

It is used in the treatment of a variety of other conditions including dysentery, leprosy, elephantiasis, epilepsy, asthma and many other complaints.

Mixed with salt, it is taken orally as an emetic for treating severe colds.

Latex is applied to sprains, body pains, boils and pimples in Nepal.

Milky latex is used externally to stop bleeding, and for treating a wide range of conditions including leprosy, rheumatism, ringworm, boils, scabies, stings, burns, bruises, cuts, sores and wounds.

It is applied to the gums and teeth to treat caries and toothaches.

Bark is used as a medicine for the treatment of neuro dermatitis and syphilis.

Powdered bark is used to treat diarrhea, dysentery, elephantiasis, and leprosy

Bark of the species is used as a medicine for the treatment of neuro dermatitis and syphilis, and the leaves are used as a poultice in China.

Young fruits are boiled in water and a paste prepared which is applied on the body to remove blood clots.

Latex obtained from the plant is used to induce vomiting as well as purgation.

It helps in relieving bloating, flatulence and abdominal distension as a result of improper digestion of food.

It is also effective in treating ascites in which there can be large abdominal distension due to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal region.

It improves appetite thus fighting anorexia and disinterest in consuming food.

It helps in healthy working of the respiratory system, helping in diseases like common cold, cough, asthma and other similar respiratory problems.

Leaves and latex are used as an antidote for snake poison.

Leaves can be boiled and used as a hot poultice to relieve stomach pains, headaches and sprains.

Tincture made from the leaves is said to be good for fevers.

Parts of the plant are also given as an aphrodisiac and a sedative, and as it was found to stimulate the blood flow, it probably can help men with erectile dysfunctions.

Skin from the root is used in decoction for skin problems.

Root was used for the treatment of eczema, leprosy, elephantiasis, asthma, cough, rheumatism and diarrhea.

Tender leaves of C. gigantea are also used to cure migraine.

It is also used as a remedy for black scars of face, boils, cold, cough, asthma, ear-ache, eczema, skin eruptions, inflammatory lesions, pains, rheumatism, syphilis, leprosy and edema.

It has also been used as an antiseptic for skin infection, laxative, ear drops and anti-fertility agent.

Root bark and leaves have been used by various tribes of central India as a curative agent for jaundice.
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