✅Aromatherapy Anti Viral Properties of Essential Oils

✅Aromatherapy Anti Viral Properties of Essential Oils
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#Aromatherapy Anti Viral Properties of Essential Oils
Inspired by Dr. Josh Axe a video call : ” Top 4 Antibiotic Essential Oils ”

In this video we will talk about, How to Relieve Eczema Itchy Skin Using Natural Remedies. Don’t forget to like,shareand subscribe. to our YouTube Channel to be notified when we upload new videos daily. Also called dermatitis, eczema is a non-contiguous skin inflammation that produces itchy skin, red, rash like areas. These occur on the face, scalp, wrists, and hands, as well as at the crease of the elbows, in back of the knees and sometimes elsewhere on the body. Eczema can spread or worsen if you scratch the affected areas. And persistent scratching or rubbing can bring on chronic eczema, chronic itchy skin, with its distinctive dark, thickened, scaly red patches. There are different types of eczema, some classified by causes, others by specific symptoms. Atopic dermatitis is marked by a hypersensitivity, or allergy, to a food, inhalant, or other common substance that doesn’t bother most people. It tends to be genetically linked, affecting individuals with a family history of hay fever, asthma, or eczema. Flaking and scaling on the face and scalp are typical of seborrhoea dermatitis, while contact dermatitis produces an acute local rash after someone sensitive to it comes in contact with an irritant (say, the nickel in jewellery or the oil on a poison ivy leaf). A separate type of itchy skin, stasis dermatitis, affects the lower legs and ankles and is associated with insufficient circulation of blood in those areas. Key Symptoms: Itchy, red rashlike patches of skin that are dry, rough, scaly or cracked. Small red pimplelike blisters. Leaking (“weeping”) of fluid, crusting and flaking in affected areas. Chafing and peeling. Thickened, dry patches of skin in persistent cases. Itching, swelling and inflammation in lower legs and around ankles (stasis dermatitis). What Causes Eczema? Allergies are a common cause of eczema. People who are susceptible tend to have a personal or family history of allergic reactions to foods, pollen, animal fur or other substances. Many people with eczema also have (or eventually develop) hay fever or asthma, and their bodies often contain above-normal amounts of histamine, a chemical that triggers an allergic defense reaction in the skin when it’s released. Eczema symptoms can be triggered by such foods as milk, eggs, shellfish, nuts, wheat, strawberries, and chocolate. I hope you found some useful information and tips. I look forward to hearing from you. Warning. None of the information on our videos is a substitute for a diagnosis. And treatment by your health professional.


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