Is homeopathic medications helpful in woollen allergy in children? – Dr. Sahana Ramesh Tambat

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Children come into contact with woollen mostly as form of blankets, scarfs, sweaters, or socks or stockings or in terms of any kind of covering when they travel or when they are exposed to the wind. Woollen allergy mostly is seen as sensitivity to woollen. We will know if we are wearing a cotton cloth inside and then woollen that is more better than wearing a woollen cloth and you do not have any kind of a presentation or irritation which is usually seen as some kind of scratching, burning, redness, which is usually there. Some children have some kind of a boil which has some kind of discharges, mostly seen in wrists or ankles or in terms of elbows or knees. Older children it is seen as raw red rash or we have a lot of itching and burning sensation. More than woollen allergy it is woollen sensitivity and most of the children we notice that they have sensitive skin for coarse kind of clothing where the skin is going to be very sensitive maybe for the dye, the colouring. Homeopathy helps in treating the skin diseases from the root, meaning the childen have to improvise in terms of the immunity in the skin level basis. So it helps in both acute conditions and also on the long term. Many remedies that are helpful are sulphur, soraindum, apis mellifica, graphitis, petroleum and may cases have responded to children mostly arsenicum album, urtica urens or natrum mur. This helps in building the immunity in children and they become quite resistant to any kind of a change in the clothing.


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