Old-Fashioned Herbal Wisdom – 6 Medicinal Plants to Grow in the Garden

An important part of the modern day victory garden are the medicinal plants that help to fill the home apothecary. Here are six plants to grow in your own medicinal herb garden to help develop the old-fashioned skill of herbalism.

Hi! I’m Sylvia from Vintage Kitchen Vixen. Join me each week as I share the old-fashioned tips, skills and recipes that your mom should have taught you. Or, at least, the things I wish my mother would have taught me!

Shop this video:
Maria Treben’s Health Through God’s Pharmacy –
Echinacea Seeds – (brings you to True Leaf Market)
Yarrow Seeds – (brings you to True Leaf Market)
Dried Yarrow – (Mountain Rose Herbs)
Calendula Seeds – (brings you to True Leaf Market)
Dried Calendula – (Mountain Rose Herbs)
Wild Remedies book –
Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs –

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