How to Nourish Your Skin from the Inside Out

@aymeeperez Intentional nutrition for great skin 👇

Eczema. Dermatitis. Psoriasis. Wounds. These are just a few examples of skin conditions that need intentional nutrition in order to heal.

We often think of skin as something we care for from the outside. Special cleansers, lotions, 🧴 creams, and ointments are often sold as being “essential” for healthy skin. 🧪

While these are an important part of skincare, they do not represent the foundation “essential” for healthy skin. 🧐

Your skin is created and nourished from the inside out. The nutrients you consume on a day-to-day basis affect the way your skin feels and looks.

When it comes to skin nutrition, there are some key nutrients (macro and micronutrients) that you need so your skin can be healthy and flourish—and heal (if that’s what your skin needs to do).

Swipe to learn some essential nutrients to ensure you are glowing from the inside out.✨

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Aymee Perez: Founder of Happy and Healthy by Choice and functional Nutritionist. We work with women approaching their 40’s that are dealing with hormone challenges such as stubborn weight gain despite no changes on the eating habits or exercise routine, brain fogs, insomnia, hot flashes, lack of energy, depression, irritability, and are tired of their doctors saying that “nothing is wrong” and your tests are normal.

Our personalized services help them get their life back, recover their mojo without surgeries, prescribed medications, or restrictive diets by finding the root cause(s) of what’s happening in the body.

Happy and Healthy by Choice


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