Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure | Breathing Exercises | Foods for Hypertension

In this video, I have shared ways to lower blood pressure naturally.

When the arteries through which blood flows, gets narrow, because of plaque which is fat and toxins, the pressure increases. The causes of high blood pressure are
1. Diet rich in salt /sugar/fat
2.Excessive smoking
3.Too much alcohol intake
5.Lack of Physical Activity
6. Chronic Stress
7.Kidney Disease

Lifestyle changes can help to reverse high blood pressure and get off medications.
Lifestyle changes and foods to lower blood pressure:

2. Water

3. Garlic

4. Beetroot juice

5. Amla (Indian Gooseberry ) powder

6. Flax seed powder

7. Exercise

8. Breathing exercise


Pill is only lowering blood pressure but not solving the real problem i.e. circulation problem. Make lifestyle changes – manage stress levels, exercise, eat right foods, practice breathing, sleep well and even before you know it you can control your blood pressure rather than your blood pressure controlling you.

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