SHEA BUTTER Benefits and Uses | Eczema, Dry Skin and Hair Relief

Shea butter is a fat extracted from the nut of the African shea tree. It is ivory in color when raw, with more processed versions being white, although it is commonly dyed yellow with borututu root or palm oil. It is widely used in cosmetics as a moisturizer, salve or lotion. Shea butter is sometimes used as a base for medicinal ointments. Some of the isolated chemical constituents are reported to have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, emollient, and humectant properties. Shea butter has been used as a sunblocking lotion. Shea Butter is applied as lotion to protect the skin during the dry Harmattan season. The shea nut tree itself is called tááŋà and the fruit is called táánì. The current northern regional capital Tamale, derives it names from a combination of the words “tama” and “yili”, meaning “the town of shea fruits”.

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