
Eczema is a dry skin condition that affects many adults and children. It occurs in patches that can become thick and red, and it can often occur in those with allergies such as hay fever. Topical creams can be applied to help the skin recover. Herbal remedies do not have the side effects that some prescriptions can have.
Licorice – The anti-inflammatory properties of licorice helps calm the skin when eczema flares up. It acts much like cortisol but without the side effects. It can be taken internally as a tea or externally by making a compress of the steeped herbs.
Burdock – Known to decrease inflammation, burdock is a traditional herb, which has been used for years to help skin disorders. Besides helping inflammation, it also contains insulin that helps the body fight off skin bacteria. Taken as a tea, drink up to 4 cups per day. It can also be used topically. Simmer the dried root in hot water for 10 minutes. Strain and apply the cooled liquid to the affected skin area.
Echinacea – Echinacea is an American wildflower that has substances that can help fight infection as well as decrease inflammation. It can be found as a main ingredient in many prepared herbal skin crèmes.
Comfrey – Comfrey contains allantoin, an ingredient in many skin lotions.
It soothes the skin and helps speed up healing. Apply as a salve or lotion.
Do not use if pregnant.


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