Iaso Emu Oil – The Miracle Oil

Acne, Age Spots, Arthritis, Skin Aging, Athlete’s Foot, Bed Sores, Knocking, Burns, Bursitis (inflammation between tendon and skin),

Tripe, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chapped Lips, Complexion Problems, Conditioning of Hair, Contact Dermatitis, Cracked skin, Cuts, Dandruff, Bruising and Diabetic Ulcers, Diabetic Neuropathy, Allergy Diaper, Hand basin (allergy to detergents),

Dry Skin, Eczema, Eye Irritation, Fever Blisters, Cuticles, Freezing (Frostbite), Gout (GOUT), Gum Disease, Growing Pains, Hair Loss, Headaches, Hemorrhoids, Ingrown toenails, Insect bites, Irritated skin, Itching, Joint pain, Keloids (Tissue Overgrowth),

Low Back Pain, Massage, Drug Carrier, Moisturize Skin, Muscular Pain, Spasms Relief, Injuries and burns in pets, Psoriasis, Radiation Burns, Shaving, Scars, Rheumatism, Rhinitis, Rosacea, Scar Prevention,

Sciatica, Scrapes and Scratches, Scratches on Shin, Herpes, Headache, Sinusitis, Rashes, Skin Graft, Muscles Aching, Sports Injuries, Sprains, Stiffness, Brands of Elasticity, Sunburn, Scars of surgeries, Inflammation of Tendinitis, Tired Feet, Varicose Veins, Bee and Wasp Stings, Cold Wind Burn, Wounds,

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Tanisha Marie
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Only 646-470-5456

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Iaso Emu Oil – The Miracle Oil
Iaso Emu Oil – The Miracle Oil
Iaso Emu Oil – The Miracle Oil
Iaso Emu Oil – The Miracle Oil
Iaso Emu Oil – The Miracle Oil
Iaso Emu Oil – The Miracle Oil


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