Eczema Problems/ Possible Solution

After years of dealing with eczema, I finally found a way to get baby smooth skin. It has taken more than half my life to discover a process that really works for me. For people that have dealt with eczema, you know how impactful it can be on your life. My technique is to use Aveeno daily moisturizing lotion after a shower or in the middle of the day with a splash of water on the infected area ( for me it was my arms/neck/face) then take the Aveeno lotion, unscrew the cap, take the pump out, take your thumb, pointer, and middle finger and pinch a little lotion on the area, then finally rub it in.

If you want to use a medicated cream: I highly recommend using a cream call Triamcinolone which is .1%. Just remember, everyone has different skin and react different to different products. Just be careful and find what works for you, and just know that once you find something that works for you, it can change your life. I know this description probably as many grammar and punctuation errors, but I don’t care. As long as this video helps someone, that is all that matters.


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