Hypopigmentation Treatments 5 Methods That Really Work

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Excerpt: Learn everything you need to know about hypopigmentation, the different types, causes, hypopigmentation treatment options and prevention tips.


1. Hypopigmentation Treatments: 5 Methods That Really Work

2. What Is Hypopigmentation? Hypopigmentation is a type of skin condition that occurs due to the lack or absence of melanin, the skin pigment responsible for your skin color. The two types of hypopigmentation happen when: • The melanocyte cells reduce the production of melanin. • There is a decrease in tyrosine, the amino acid used by melanocytes to make melanin.

3. What Are The Different Types Of Hypopigmentation Skin Disorders?

4. Albinism This rare, inherited disorder is due to the absence of an enzyme that produces melanin. As a result, people with albinism have an abnormal gene that prevents the body from producing melanin. This results in the lack of pigmentation in the skin, hair and eyes, causing them to look white.

5. Vitiligo This type of hypopigmentation is an autoimmune disease where the pigment-producing cells are damaged. Vitiligo causes smooth, white patches on your skin that can appear either in certain areas or all over the body.

6. Pigmentation Loss The good news is, this condition is not permanent, but it will take some time to re-pigment your skin and bring your natural color back. In the meantime, you can use cosmetics to cover any white patches.

7. Pityriasis Alba This is most common in children with dark skin. It is characterized by colorless, slightly scaly and poorly defined macules and patches on the face that medical experts think is a mild form of eczema with hypopigmentation.

8. What Is The Best Hypopigmentation Treatment?

9. Topical Corticosteroids This is the most common hypopigmentation treatment used today.

10. Topical Medications And Other Skin Lightening Products Skin products like Illuminatural 6i help bleach the unaffected areas of your skin to help it blend in with the hypopigmented skin.

11. Laser And Light-based Treatments Laser and light-based treatments like IPL, excimer lasers and fraxel lasers can help. If you choose this type of procedure, make sure to look for a competent and experience doctor to perform this procedure.

12. Permanent Cosmetic Make-ups This is advisable especially when you have not been responsive to the other medications and procedures.

13. Prescription Medications This is advisable, especially when there is a chronic skin disorder that causes your skin to lighten.

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