There is nothing wrong in taking a shower when you have a varicose ulcer, an ulcer on the leg. varicose ulcer is a small ulcer that is formed because off a discontinuity or a small wound that is formed on the inner side of the leg, just above the ankle or the outer side of the leg, just above the ankle. So when these ulcerations happens, and you wash your body, all the healing becomes difficult and hence after the shower, it is important to wash the wound too, clean the area properly with medicines. A combination of calendula and Hypericum can be used to wash the area, not directly, but calendula mother tincture and Hypericum mother tincture, 5 to 10 drops in a glass of water can be used on a regular basis to clean that particular area morning, afternoon and night or morning, evening and night and that itself helps many cases to heal. There are other medicines which can be used for these kind of ulcerations like vipera which is very good for varicose ulcer. I have had patients with blocks in the deep veins which have been cleared after giving vipera to the patients. There are the medicines like nitric acid, merc sol, arsenicum album, sulphur, tuberculum. I had a patient who had an ulcer that was not healing and he was diabetic and none of the medicines were helping him and none of the medicines were helping with allopathy. He was going on with the ulcer deeper and deeper. They were literally maggots in the wound, worms were there and we had to clean the area and pull out the area with the tweezers. It was so bad and we gave pyrogen, which is an excellent medicine. So with pyrogen, hepar self, certain other medicines like gun powder, we have been able to clear the ulcer and the wound heals within 6 months and this is homeopathy works in case of varicose ulcers and sees that you can completely cure it without antibiotics and where the antibiotic fails, homeopathy comes into place.