How to manage inner thigh rashes in teenagers? – Dr. Urmila Nischal

Teenage boys will be very playful and they will be outdoors playing for a long time and this can cause sweating of the inner thighs. So when the sweat stays there for a long time, then it acts like a breeding ground for the fungus. So you can get fungal infection in the inner thigh. So the most common causes for the rashes is the fungal infection. So any antifungal cream is sufficient enough to get rid of that. Antifungal creams should be plain without any corticosteroid in it. Corticosteroids when used in the long run can lead to lots of problems. They lead to irreversible stretch marks and the fungal infection will become more resistant to treatment. If you apply a steroid cream, you will feel good. You will see that the redness and everything is gone but the infection is still there. So you just need a plain antifungal creams, like a clotrimazole or sertaconazole or terbinafne cream. So it could be a candidiasis, or a a plain antifungal cream is the first line of management of these rashes and if you are sweating, try to wear cotton dresses, cotton undergarments and you can sprinkle some dusting powder before your physical activities.


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