How to Make a Cold Compress

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Applying a cold compress is a time-honored way to reduce inflammation and ease pain in countless situations, from bruises and migraines to bee stings and scorpion bites.

Step 1: Fill bowl
Fill a bowl with ice-cold water.

If ice cubes are available, add them to the bowl to make the water as cold as possible.

Step 2: Dip washcloth & wring out
Dip a folded washcloth into the bowl for about 10 seconds and then wring out the excess water.

Step 3: Press to area
Press the chilled washcloth to the inflamed area and keep it there until the compress loses its chill.

An ice pack will stay colder longer than a washcloth, but wrap it in a clean cloth or towel first; it should never come in direct contact with the skin.

Step 4: Refresh water supply
Refresh your cold water supply if it loses its chill and continue dipping, wringing, and applying as needed.

Did You Know?
For acute injuries—that is, sudden trauma—ice helps constrict the blood vessels, decreasing swelling in the area.


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