Dr Zocca explains atopic dermatitis: causes, symptoms, advice | Skin Talks #3 | BIODERMA

Hi Bio- Fam,
Do you or does your baby suffer from atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema? Then you may have already wondered what is atopic dermatitis? What is the difference between atopic dermatitis and eczema? What causes atopic dermatitis? How to treat atopic dermatitis? Are the treatments and skincare for atopic dermatitis the same for babies and adults? How to prevent atopic dermatitis in babies? To answer theses questions, meet the dermatologist Dr.Marisa Zocca from Argentina, an atopic skin expert.

Who are we? Since 1977, Bioderma puts its expertise in skin BIOlogy at the service of DERMAtology.

Hand in hand with dermatologists, we design products to accompany dermatological treatments right from cleansing and protect skin natural resources while respecting its natural biology.

As a NAOS brand, ecobiology is our approach to skin as we consider it as a living ecosystem. Driven by biomimetism, we aim to act on causes of imbalances and help the skin adapt to find again its balance on its own.

Easy to use, available in generous formats, our products are made in France and systematically undergo tolerance and efficacy clinical trials.

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