What causes vaginal sores and its managment? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

Vaginal sores means that there are some sores or ulcers in the mouth of the vagina or vulval region. Causes of it can be from anything from sexually transmitted diseases to other causes like herpes, chancroids, molluscum contagiosum, other things like dermatitis, contact or atopic dermatitis. So these are the causes of vaginal sores which needs to be examined properly. So proper examination, diagnose it, a vaginal swab can be done in case there is a difficulty in diagnosis. It is also associated with a lot of itching, burning and pain. So symptomatic relief has to be done to the patient. Once the investigation comes, the patient has to be appropriately treated. So herpes, anti-viral has to be given. All antibiotics for other diseases. Anti-allergic for contact dermatitis. So definitely all types of treatment has to be done for vaginal sores, not only for the future, but for the present situation. These vaginal sores diagnosis may be sometimes be missed, so appropriate follow up has to be done to see if at all if has gone completely. But herpes is recurrent; they recur in years together whenever the immunity is less. So proper counseling, whatever the age group of the sexually transmitted diseases, and avoiding those diseases, and appropriate care to be taken and follow up has to be counseled in detail.


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