Hand Eczema and COVID-19 | Sanitizer Is Incredibly Damaging


Hand Eczema and COVID-19 Sanitizer. Painful and damaging to skin with eczema. Covid19 daily habits may be worsening eczema symptoms.

Hi everyone – this is dr. Peter Leo, and I’m here – to talk about Hand Eczema and COVID-19 hand hygiene during this difficult time. We know that everyone’s supposed to be observing social distancing and that’s important. But we also want to keep our hands really clean so that we don’t transmit the virus from people to people, but also to ourselves.

We don’t want to touch our face if there’s any virus on our hands. So this has been a big dilemma for people with sensitive skin and particularly for those with hand eczema, because all of the washing and of course, the hand sanitizers are incredibly damaging to the skin.

So a couple of tips, first of all. Fortunately, it turns out that washing with a gentle cleanser and water is probably better than hand sanitizer, so that’s. That’s, really good news for us, because I actually think that’s more manageable.

Sensitive skin on the hands Hand Eczema and COVID-19

If you have sensitive skin on the hand, sanitizers that are usually alcohol-based are extremely irritating to many people, even if they have normal skin, but if their skin is sensitive are already damaged it can be a real problem.

Using a gentle cleanser, something mild and non-irritating. Ideally, one that is designed for sensitive skin is great, and we want to wash for about 20 seconds and we want to make sure we really let that get out on all the surfaces of our hands.

We want to try to get under our nails to get the backs of the hands. You know there’s, all these little tricks for making sure we do everything, lace, two fingers together, and then we want to rinse them.

It’s. Important to know that you don’t have to use super hot water. Either warm water is fine, it should feel Pleasant. You can probably even do it in cold water, but it just takes longer to rinse it.

If it’s really cold, but it doesn’t seem to affect the efficacy of removing the virus and damaging the virus. It’s, a little protective layer, so warm water, gentle cleanser, shake them off, really well pat dry and then moisturize.

Moisturize right after

It’s really important to moisturize right after because that will help seal in the water and protect your skin. I think in general, for our sensitive skin patients that’s a better way to go in between.

If you do need to use some hand sanitizer, you certainly can, but it’s important to moisturize after that, after it dries. Let it fully dry and then put your moisturizer on. Ideally, you, don’t want to moisturize before it, because if you put moisturizer on and then try to hand sanitize it actually, doesn’t do a very good job.

All the lipids from the moisturizer actually interfere with it, so it’s best to get those hands clean, let them dry off completely and then put our moisturizer on. I hope that’s, helpful. We’ll, be sending more tips like this soon and thank you so much for your attention and stay well.

This information Hand Eczema and COVID-19 and the video used is highly recommended by Eczemanews.com as experts to follow on your path to healthier living. We suggest you navigate to their video and like and subscribe for further updates they may have on this subject.


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