How to Treat Eczema and What Omega 3 Fatty Acids Can Do ❤️

How to Treat Eczema and What Omega 3 Fatty Acids Can Do
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Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Eczema

Do you or someone close to you suffer with eczema?

Eczema impacts on all areas of your life, just like asthma does.

In this video, you’ll find out alternative natural options you have on how to treat eczema and what omega 3 fatty acids can do to help you.

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Eczema – it’s not a pleasant health condition to suffer with, is it?

It impacts on all areas of your life, just like asthma does.

You’ll also find out why you should be challenging the status quo of modern-day medication, and the advice you receive from certain members of the medical profession.

So, eczema – did you know that about 30% of Americans suffer with eczema?

According to the National Eczema Association, eczema “….is the name for a group of conditions that cause the skin to become itchy, inflamed, or have a rash-like appearance.

There are seven types of eczema.

Eczema can begin during childhood, adolescence, or adulthood, and it can range from mild to severe.”

“Eczema is not contagious.

You can’t “catch it” from someone else.”

By the way, are you aware there’s a connection between eczema and asthma?

Nobody can claim that there’s a cure for eczema, in the same way that nobody can claim there’s a cure for asthma.

The key to getting a grasp of the problems that eczema creates, is that it’s a “man-made” disease.

What Omega 3 Fatty Acids Can Do to Help You (and Your Unborn Children):

The cellular health of your body is paramount to leading a healthy life.

It impacts on every cell in your body, from your brain, heart and gut, to your blood, your bones, joints and muscles, through to your overall immune system.

And to maintain your cellular health, you need to have your omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acid ratio in your body at a level of 4:1 or less, according to the World Health Organisation.

These two omegas that must be present in your body are known as essential fatty acids.

Your body doesn’t make them – you have to obtain them from your diet, and the difference between the two omegas are:

(1) Omega 6 fatty acids are inflammatory; and

(2) Omega 3 fatty acids are ANTI-inflammatory.

You can only get your essential fatty acids from your diet.

One frightening statistic you may not be aware of is that about 95% of the western world has an omega 6 to omega 3 imbalance higher than 4:1.

However, most people will have to make up their omega 3 shortfall consumption by taking supplements.

Warning #1: most omega 3 supplements are ineffective, because they don’t include the vital antioxidants, called polyphenols.

Warning #2: supplements that show vitamin E as an antioxidant are ineffective, too.

Asthma and Eczema – Is There a Connection?

Firstly, asthma is a disease of your respiratory system, and so affects the inside of your body, whereas eczema is a disease of the skin, and shows itself as an external condition of your body.

Secondly, both diseases benefit from changing your lifestyle, and your diet, by introducing omega 3 fatty acids.

To begin the journey of improving your eczema by dealing with the root cause of chronic inflammation, click on the URL link here: complete the short questionnaire, and then hit the Start button.

Finally, don’t forget to click on the Special Report link here: to get access to:  “How Omega 3 Fatty Acids Help Fight 28 Common Skin Disorders”.


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Useful Information:

1. Special Report:

2. Free 14-Day Trial of the SUPER-EASY Video Software I Used to Create This Video.:

3. Omega 6 to Omega 3 test:


Kindly note: the content of this video DOES NOT constitute medical advice in any shape or form, and has been created for passive informational purposes only.


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How to Treat Eczema and What Omega 3 Fatty Acids Can Do


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