How to use Zonalon Cream – Explain Uses,Side Effects,Interactions

Zonalon Cream is used to relieve itching from certain skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, and neurodermatitis. It should only be used for a short time, no more than 8 days. The active ingredient, doxepin, is a tricyclic antidepressant. It is not known how this medication decreases itching, but it may work by blocking a certain natural substance (histamine) that your body makes during an allergic reaction. Some of the medication is absorbed into the body when the cream is applied. The decrease in itching may be a result of drowsiness or some other effect in the brain that causes you not to notice or be bothered by the itching. The cream should be applied as directed by your doctor, and it is important to follow the recommended dosage and timing for best results.


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