MY Easy DIY Homemade Shampoo for LONG Silky Hair – How to get long thick hair 💕

Today in this most requested video I have shared an amazing Natural , | DIY Shampoo | that will not only help you grow your hair Thicker , Longer , Stronger but also will give you Silky Hair.

Sath me Khan peen ka bhi khayal rakhiye

I will c you all in my next video till then bye bye

My SkinCare video :

how to grow hair faster naturally in a week,how to get long hair in a week,how to make your hair thicker and longer naturally,how to get long thick hair,natural ingredients for hair growth and thickness

DISCLAIMER: The information given on this channel and its recordings is for general purposes and should not be considered as an expert advise. I am not an authorized personnel or a specialist for medical issues so if in doubt please consult your doctor.
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All remedies on the channel are tried and tested by me and is ensured under copyright law.

Lots of love


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