What causes itching & swollen lymph nodes near both the ear lobes? – Dr. Satish Babu K

We have a lot of lymph nodes all around our body especially in the neck, back of the neck, throat region. These lymph nodes can get swollen for a lot of reasons, many things as simple as your pimples, scalp infection or dandruff or some injuries, dental infection, tonsillitis, any inflammation going around the region the lymph nodes will swell up because they act like the filters. They filter the blood and remove off bacteria and viruses. Hence there is lot of concentration of these material inside the lymph node and that is why they get inflamed and swollen. In this process they destroy the offending material and eventually the infection is removed from the body and the inflammation reduces. If you have both sided lymph node swelling, itchiness around the ear, that means something is happening around the skin. If you have it on both sides it means you either have some allergies or some local skin infection like fungus is happening and that is keeping the lymph nodes swollen. So get to a doctor and get it treated properly.


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