Tips for Tender scalp, Sore scalp, Inflamed scalp on Natural hair, How to treat

Tips for Tender scalp, Sore scalp, Inflamed scalp on natural hair, How to treat

Hey Everyone,
I wanted to get this video out to you guys bc the winter is coming and we all deal with major scalp problem during this time. Please try my suggestions in this video and see if it helps. As always thank you for commenting, liking and sharing my content. That is one of the best ways to help me out and contribute to my channel as well as keep my content free. This is not a sponsored video i purchase this with my own money and have been using it for over 1 year. Be sure to get 100% pure emu oil.

Inflamed scalp: Dermatitis Herpetiformis is an inflamed, itchy rash with bumps and blisters. The inflamed rash is chronic, and can continue over a long period of time left unchecked. Seborrheic Dermatitis is a waxy, oily, scaly scalp skin condition with erymetha or reddening associated with scalp irritation and inflammation.

Emu oil benefits
It can be used as a moisturizer and as a skin nourishing treatment. Many are turning to pure emu oil for helping with the battle against fine lines and wrinkles as well. Skin conditions tend to respond well to the anti-inflammatory properties which soothe the skin and help relieve inflammation.


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