How to treat white spots on the skin? – Dr. Rasya Dixit

When people ask me how to treat white spots on the skin , the first thing i want to tell them is to diagnose is 50% job done , so cause of the white spots could be ranging from skin conditions such as vitiligo and allergic conditions like P Alba and hypopigmented , PLE Polymorphous light eruption or a sun allergy. so with the various causes been there a single treatment cannot be done for white spots, so the most of the treatments is diagnoses once the dermatologist able to diagnose the problem if it is vitiligo, the patient will be on some melanin stimulating cream and medicines and Simon treatment or a phototherapy treatment can be added on , However any of the others just treating the main allergy problem make this white patch go away , solution of white spots is very simple 1st go and diagnose good dermatologist then the treatment will follow automatically.


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