Nux Vomica – Homeopathic Medicine : Uses, Dosage & Side Effects -Dr.Surekha Tiwari | Doctors' Circle

Dr. Surekha Tiwari |Appointment booking no: 088843 68700
Homeopathic Consultant & Psychological Counsellor|Homeopathic Clinic AECS Layout,Bangalore
Long years back homeopathy was a feared science and the modern science was not accepting it and these were the times when people, who read book very vast books, they came up with certain remedies that people could use in their day to day life. Nux Vomica is one such famous medicine. It is a medicine that is used for a lot of disorders. Homeopathy is a beautiful science. Because it is a very holistic in nature, the medicines are also very holistic. One medicine can affect the stomach, the nasal lining, the mucus lining and a lot of things. Nux Vomica itself can affect the mucous membranes, can affect constipation and can be a very good tool for nasal blockage. Having said this, I really believe a medicine is a medicine. Something that can alter my health for the better , will have something that can alter it in the wrong direction in this regard I think biochemical salts are much better. They are called as biochemical salts because they are tissue salts and they are contained in our tissues. Having a tissue salt treatment, it is very safe. There are 28 biocongregations they are made for a variety of disorder, you can check them out and keep at home for emergency cases. But medicines like Nux Vomica , pulsatila, bryonia, please visits you doctor and get it only on prescription who will be able to give you the right potency which will give you the desired result.


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