If You Eat An Avocado A Day For A month Here's What Happens To Your Body

If You Eat An Avocado A Day For A month Here’s What Happens To Your Body


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Avocados are loved worldwide for their versatility, deliciousness, and nutritional value.

Despite the confusion about whether they’re fruits or vegetables, avocados, scientifically known as Persea americana, are technically berries and belong to the Lauraceae plant family, which includes the cinnamon tree.”

Avocado is a powerhouse superfood, it contain healthy fats, anti-aging, disease-fighting antioxidants, and nearly 20 vitamins and minerals.

Regular avocado eaters have higher intakes of fiber, vitamins E and K, magnesium, and potassium than those who don’t eat avocados.

Avocados are extremely popular in the health and wellness world because they’re highly nutritious and have been linked to several health benefits.

Avocados provide a substantial amount of monounsaturated fatty acids and are rich in many vitamins and minerals.

Incorporating them into a varied, healthy diet can provide a number of benefits.

Here are the top 10 health benefits of Avocados.

Video Chapters:

1. 01:04 Heart Health
2. 02:03 Weight management
3. 02:39 Blood Pressure Regulation
4. 03:58 Nutrient Absorption
5. 04:58 Skin Health
6. 06:15 Eye Health
7. 07:28 Bone Health
8. 08:09 Digestive Health
9. 08:41 Folate Source
10. 09:42 Healthy Fats

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