What are the pros and cons of having a newborn vaccinated for Hepatitis B? – Dr. Dhanashree Kulkarni

Hepatitis B vaccination it is advocated to be given as soon as the birth of the baby and this definitely should be completed before discharge. So delay more than that is not advisable, pros are many. It helps to prevent his dangerous disease called as hepatitis B infection. The infection with hepatitis B spreads what infected needles use of blood precuts that have not been screened well, haring of needle, drug abuse and sexually transmitted in the older population. This is a very dangerous disease. The primary infection may be like any other jaundice. but the important thing we need to know is that there can be a chronic infection which affects the liver chronically and inturn person can get cirrhosis of the liver , that is a chronic condition of the liver . Also it is at risk of causing a liver carcinoma or cancer. So 100% we need to prevent the disease and as early as possible this vaccination should be given after birth. This has also been endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics and this is the guideline that we have been following at Cloudnine we give the babies Hepatitis B vaccination immediately at birth , the vaccination is placed at the resuscitation trolley itself. So as soon as the baby is stabilized, the vaccination is administered. So if you ask me the cons, something related to the pricking of the needle, very rarely there can be fever. But the cons are so little and negligible that I am of the opinion that all of these babies should be given the Hepatitis B vaccination.


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